Saturday, 31 December 2016

WHAT WILL YOU REMEMBER 2016 FOR? Share Your Experience with us

Hello beloved, the year 2016 will soon fold up. Many things have happened on 2016. We all must have had our moments. Those moments that we will likely not forget in a hurry. If i may ask, what will you remember 2016 for? What prominent achievement/progress did you make in 2016? How did 2016 really change your life positively? What were your unforgettable moments in 2016?
For me...
1. Glory be to God, i was given admission after four (4) attempts
2. I enjoy divine help for my fees.
oh!!! 2016 was a great year to me

Sunday, 25 December 2016


There was this two twin brothers one is called uchenna and the other Cornelius... This two brothers look alike both in complexity, height & look, but there is something that differentiate them uchenna was a Boko Haram while Cornelius was a child of God. So one day uchenna went on their suicide bombing on fortunately, the army over powered him and he was cut and jailed. After uchenna's trail he was found guilty. He was to be executed... On that day for him to be shoot by hanging. Cornelius his brother came and said to the military men to untie uchenna and let him go. That he will die for him, cornelius quickly remove his white garment and gave uchenna to wear and he took the cloth of uchenna which is the cloth of sin and put on. Then Cornelius told uchenna never go back to this sin again cus am dieing for you. Now uchenna is free right... #Now that's the same thing that Jesus did for you. He died that you might be free because you are that guilty one just like uchenna. If you are humble that Jesus died for you why not say 'thank you Jesus!'. Happy xmass greetings to u all


In the last days, the Church is experiencing a new move of the Spirit of God, and it's getting greater and greater as we approach the coming of the Lord. That's why the Lord said through the prophet Daniel, "...seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased" (Daniel 12:4). Note the scripture didn't say knowledge "shall increase," but "Shall be increased," meaning this will be the doing of the Lord; He'll cause more knowledge to be given. "some people think Christianity will be history sometime soon because the world is going through a change. A thousand times, no! It's not about to fold up; rather, it's getting greater by the day, and it will outlive every system,".


Talking about the early Church and the latter Church James 5:7, "... Behold, the husbandman waited for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain. The early rain falls to prepare the ground for sowing. We see this outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost initiated the early Church. The latter rain, on the other hand, falls to prepare the ground for harvest. That's where we are now; this is the latter Church, as the coming of the Lord draws near.

Monday, 31 October 2016


My mission on earth is well defined. It is to see the devil constantly humiliated, and Jesus glorified! I am sent to see men who have been shedding tears start shouting for joy! I am sent to see the barren carry their own children! The poor exploding into untold wealth, troubled homes becoming peaceful and to see every oppression of the devil destroyed in the lives of men!

This is your hour of total liberty! Only what God cannot do will remain in your life.....

Sunday, 18 September 2016


Now listen carefully, this one is reality, it may look like stupidity until you accept responsibility you cannot become a celebraty.
It is your acceptability and connectivity to the Lords of divinity that determines your productivity.
Let me advice, let us flee from sexuality because it is an act of immorality before the Almighty.
The devil is suffering from insanity that is why he want to cause enmity between you and the Almighty by making you commit iniquity.
Listen but as for you there is an immunity sparking like electricity for your security against satanic stupidity.
You see principality and calamity with poverty there are satanic stupidity to strip you of your dignity But if you can embrace Spirituality, regularity, punctuality, integrity and accountability you will surely have prosperity.
Finally, permit me to remind you that you are not a nonatity you have the capacity and ability to destroy mediocrity and become celebraty. If i have celebraty here type AMEN!!


Just like anyone else, prostitutes have the opportunity to receive salvation and eternal life from God, to be cleansed of all their unrighteousness and be given a brand new life! All they must do is turn away from their sinful lifestyle and turn to the living God, whose grace and mercy are boundless. "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! (2Corinthians 5:17)

Saturday, 10 September 2016


When speaking to those who refuse to believe the truth about Himself, Jesus Christ said," I tell you the truth, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you. For John came to you to show you the way of righteousness and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him "Matthew 21:31-32".


In the new testament, a woman who had been known for being a sexual sinners-before Jesus forgive and cleansed her from sin-found an opportunity to serve Jesus while He was visiting in the home of a pharisee.
The woman, recognizing Christ for who He is, brought a bottle of expressive perfume to Him.
In regret and repentance the woman wept and poured perfume on His feet, wiping it with her hair when the pharisees critized Jesus for accepting this act of love from the "immoral" woman.
He admonished than and accepted the woman's worship. Because of her faith, Christ had forgiven all her sins, and she was received into His kingdom Luke 7:36-50.

Wednesday, 7 September 2016


Prostitution not only destroys marriages, families, and lives, but it destroys the spirit and soul in away that leads to physical and spiritual death. God's desire is that we stay pure and use our bodies as tools for His use and glory (Romans 6:13, 1corinthians 6:13) says,"The body is not for sexual immorality but for the Lord and the lord for the body.

Although prostitution is sinfull, prostitutes are not beyond God's scope of forgiveness. The Bible records His use of a prostitute named Rehab to further the fulfillment of His plan. As a Result of her obedience, she and her family were rewarded and blessed (Joshua 2:1,6:17-25).

Tuesday, 6 September 2016


Prostitution is often refered to as the "oldest profession" indeed, it has always been a common way for women to make money, even in Bible times. The Bible tells us that prostitution is immoral. Proverbs 23:27-28 says," for a prostitute is a deep pit and a wayward wife is a narrow well. Like a bandit she lies in wait, and multiplies the unfaithful among men."

God forbids involvement with prostitutes because He knows such involvement is detrimental to both men and women."for the lips of an immoral woman drip honey, And her mouth is smoother than oil; But in the end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edge sword. Her feet go down to death. Her steps lay hold of hell" proverbs 5:3-5.

Monday, 29 August 2016


The nature and lifestyle of the ant fascinated king Solomon so much that he took a swife at sluggards:"How long wilt thou sleep, o sluggard? When wilt thou arise out of thy sleep? Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: so shall thy poverty come as an armed man (Proverbs 6:9-11).
A sluggard is a person who is habitually inactive and lazy. What does the Bible says about him? He is a procrastinator. His motto is, "Never do today what you can put off untill tomorrow. He has develop the ability to put off starting a task as well as completely those tasks already began. He's full of excuse for not working (Proverbs 22:13). He's not quite ready for it (Proverbs 10:15). Those who sleep untill 10am without having shame are sluggard be wise.


The ant look at us humans and called us foolish because man has everything that God gave to them and there turn it done. The ants in proverbs 1:22 says "How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? And the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge? Man is full of evil deceit, man is proud and arrogant. The ant as we see in the pictures decide to follow instruction they know that on their own strength there can never achieve anything but if there use on mind we can built a house that everybody will be accommodated. Although, they are small and feeble creatures, they employ great diligence in providing their own food: travelling for distance climbing over trees, walls, high and low places, and every where they can get their food. In the course of foraging they are not hindered by obstacles or disappointment; rather, they find away to solve their problems and then keep going untill they succeed.

What is wrong if two brothers contribute their resources to build a bungalow or duplex and later there share the house between their two?
What is wrong in helping people who we don't know to achieve their goals?
Why do we cheat God by not giving him his 10% in our tithe and offering? Even me am a victim.
What is wrong if we share our food with our friends.
In the ant knowledge there see theirselves as one. In conclusion my son, if thou wilt receive my words, and hide my commandment with thee; for the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding

Sunday, 28 August 2016


Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways and be wise. Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler. Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest. (Proverbs 6:6-8).

One of the foremost lessons that ants teach us is the need to be purposeful. Ants are a very organized and purposed-driven set of creatures. Every caste in a colony knows exactly what its job description is and what it should be engaged in at a particular time, and it sets out to do it without sluggishness or reluctance

Sunday, 21 August 2016


Proverbs 12:1 whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish. EXPLANATION
Is of a true that what you like is what you are read to get by all means. That's is if you see a man who love instruction check that man very well he is a type that has knowledge in him. Another bible quote proverbs 12:1 To learn, you must love discipline; it is stupid to hate correction. In order to get better, you must be able to take coaching. You must be willing to change.

Proverbs 10:17
people who accept discipline are on the pathway to life, but those who ignore correction will go astray.
Players who can take coaching will be successful. Players who are not coachable will not reach their potential.
There are two ways to respond when you are corrected
^ Are you doing to get bitter? Or
^ Are you going to get better?

Eccelesiates 9:10
whatever you do, do well. For when you go to the grave, there will be no work or planning or knowledge or wisdom.
If you're going to do something, do it well. Life's too short to waste your time going through the motions.

Proverbs 12:23
The wise don't make a show of their knowledge, but fools broadcast their foolishness
men of wisdom don't take too much you only see their impact

Saturday, 20 August 2016


If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God (Colossians 3:1). When Jesus died on the cross, in the mind of justice, the whole world died with Him, because He died for all men. However, Christianity didn't start from His death, but from His resurrection. When God raised Him from the dead, you were raise together with Him, and you became a new creation, alive to God, with the transcendent life. The new creation is the fruit of His redemption (Romans 8:23). You've been brought out of death-spiritual death-into life! You came alive with Christ with His resurrection life. Knowing this, therefore, knowing that you've been raised togather with Christ, and seated with Him in the heavenly realms, the Bible says you should seek those things which are above! Have the consciousness of one who's born from above, and is seated together with Christ in the place of dominion, glory and power! Let the things of God, of His heavenly kingdom to which you've been born, mean more to you than the transient things of this earth.


Dear Father, I declare a mighty harvest of souls into the kingdom today, as the Gospel is preach all around the world. Many are turned from darkness into light, and from the power of Satan unto God, as your children engage in soul winning endeavour all around the world, in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.

Friday, 19 August 2016


Then said Jesus unto him, put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. Thinkest thou that i cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels? (Matthew 26:52-53). As a child of God, you need to be aware that God has assigned angels to you, to minister, not just to you, but for you. They're at your service: "Are they (angels) not all ministering spirit, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?" (Hebrews 1:14). So, when for example, you make a decree in the Name of Jesus, your angels enforce it; they see to it that it happens. What do you want done? Give the word and dispatch your angels. Observe Hebrew 1:14 carefully; its says angels are "...ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?" That means they SERVE you. However, they do so under the authority of Jesus; they carry out the things you say in the Name of the Lord Jesus. They don't carry out human instructions. Jesus gave us the power of attorney to use His Name. So, when you use the Name of Jesus, you're no longer using your human authority; you're using the authority of Jesus Christ!

Tuesday, 16 August 2016


Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world (1John 4:1). In 2Chronicles 18:21, the Bible tells us that a lying spirit was in the mouths of the prophets to cause them to utter lies. That spirit hasn't died, and because what he did worked, there're other spirits who do the same today. They take over people and make them utter lies without restraint. That's why it's important that you test every spirit; don't just believe everything; believe only that which is true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and praise-worthy. Don't believe a rumour; like some would say,"In every rumour, there's an element of truth." How could there be an element of truth in a rumour founded on falsehood? What element of truth was there when they lied against Jesus? The Bible says they hated Him without a cause, and lied against Him (Matthew 26:59). Such things still happen today! There're still lying spirits. It's the same devil; he has no new tricks. His strategies are the same. If he could be a lying spirit in the mouths of prophets in the Old Testament, you can imagine what he could be in, and do with, those who let him.

Monday, 15 August 2016


For it has pleased God to tell his people that the riches and glory of Christ are for you Gentiles, too. For this is the secret: Christ lives in you... (Colossians 1:27 NLT). Christianity is the living, pulsating life of God in a human person; it's Christ at home in you. Christianity is divinity at work and alive in and through you; it's the relationship between a human being and a living God. Christianity isn't a religion at all. Religion is man's work towards God; his ways and efforts to reach out to God. Christianity, on the other hand, is God's work in man. It's a call to oneness with Divinity; a walk God in righteousness; a call to the transcendent life of glory and love. Colossians 1:27 says Christ in you, the hope of glory. That's Christianity: Christ alive in you. Someone once said, I'm now very religious, since I became a Christian"; no! That's a complete misunderstanding of who a Christian is.

Tuesday, 9 August 2016


HOW MMM WORKS. It is an online business where you help someone and you are rewarded with 30% of what you pay. For instance MR. A need N20,000 and MR. B gave him the money. So Mr. B is rewarded with 30% of the N20,000 it give N35,000. WHEN WILL THIS MONEY PAID. It will be paid monthly e.g. You started in august then you will be paid September. HOW DO I GET A GUIDER. Well am a guider here is my email: and phone number: 08166385802. Name uchenna cornelius okolie. HOW DO I REGISTER. Kindly visit and click on register. WHAT WILL I BE DOING TO EARN SUCH MONEY. if you register under me as your guider you will have invite people to register under you too. Remember you keep registering after every month you have been paid. WHAT IS REWARD FINALLY. You may be given a trip to any country of the world. THANK YOU FOR JOINING US


We welcome all your questions here under the comment box below

Sunday, 7 August 2016


[1]. When your life become a reason then you have a season to accomplish it. [2]. I Don't believe in pleasure because i have the measure desire to accomplish it. [3]. Every great man is born with a style. [4]. Life without adversity is like a dirty bottle filled with with a spring water. [5]. Don't emitate the lifestyle of others because there is a life style found in you. [6]. Every child was not born by mistake but there was only born by mysteries. [7]. Don't decolourise your skin for pleasure for every life has a measure. VOTE WHICH OF THE #QUOTES SHOULD BE RANKED AS NO.1. PLS SHARE

Friday, 5 August 2016


+The name of Jesus carries the irrebukable power of God. WHAT IS IN THE NAME OF JESUS? (1). There is redeemption in the name of Jesus Psalm 34:19-22. WHAT THEN IS REDEEMPTION? The word redeemption could be describe as the act of making something better or more acceptable. It also means the act of indebating someone for money. Christianity defines it as the act of saving people from sin and evil. WHAT IS EVIL? Evil simply means something that is morally bad. Something that causes harm or injury to somebody. E.g. Accident is evil 1cor 6:18-20. Matth1:21, Romans 8:1-2. (2). Our prayers are answered in the name of Jesus. John14:20, John16:23. Quote. Prayer changes people, people in turn changes things


%This life gives everyone the opportunity to acquire wisdom, it takes a wise heart to always be updated with positive news that will propel you to attain an expected future. Great men are not move the colour of light but are longing by the style at wish the colour appears. Don't depend on things that are going fade away in two years time but goes to the things that endureth forever. Dangote father new that there will be a time when men will no longer build houses with mould that is why he pass on cement production to his son. Dangote lent this secret of prosperity he new that everyone must depend on taste so he go for sugar and salt production now he is called the richest business man in Africa. That is the wisdom that God almighty wants his children to acquire that is why he gave us the word of God that is the Bible because time will come when all men will hunger, tasty and wanting to hear this word. WELL I KNOW THIS WORD HAS EVEN YOU AN INSIGHT PLS BUY WISDOM AND SELL IT NOT. GOD BLESS YOU ALL


>>>And i will pray the father, and shall give you another comforter, that he may abide with you forever (John 14:16). Listening to the Holy Spirit and following His leading and guidance is so important in life of every child of God. Many today have gotten into the wrong jobs, wrong relationships and made terrible decisions because they ignored the counsel of the Holy Spirit. God the father is in heaven, and so is the lord Jesus. But the Holy Spirit is here with us, as the administrator of the grace of Jesus Christ and the love of God in our lives today. He's the one that makes the presence of the Lord Jesus real to us. He communicate the mind of the father to everyone who received Him. THANKS FOR VISITING THIS SITE BUT I WANT YOU To recognise the personal ministry of the Holy Spirit in your life and learn to walk with Him. He's more concerned and passionate about your success than you could ever be. And as you yield to Him, He'll perfect all that concerns you and lead you from glory to glory.

DON'T IGNORE THE HOLY SPIRIT. And i will pray the father, and shall give you another comforter, that he may abide with you forever (John 14:16). Listening to the Holy Spirit and following His leading and guidance is so important in life of every child of God. Many today have gotten into the wrong jobs, wrong relationships and made terrible decisions because they ignored the counsel of the Holy Spirit. God the father is in heaven, and so is the lord Jesus. But the Holy Spirit is here with us, as the administrator of the grace of Jesus Christ and the love of God in our lives today. He's the one that makes the presence of the Lord Jesus real to us. He communicate the mind of the father to everyone who received Him. THANKS FOR VISITING THIS SITE BUT I WANT YOU To recognise the personal ministry of the Holy Spirit in your life and learn to walk with Him. He's more concerned and passionate about your success than you could ever be. And as you yield to Him, He'll perfect all that concerns you and lead you from glory to glory.

WISDOM THE HIGHEST CURRENCY. This life gives everyone the opportunity to acquire wisdom, it takes a wise heart to always be updated with positive news that will propel you to attain an expected future. Great men are not move the colour of light but are longing by the style at wish the colour appears. Don't depend on things that are going fade away in two years time but goes to the things that endureth forever. Dangote father new that there will be a time when men will no longer build houses with mould that is why he pass on cement production to his son. Dangote lent this secret of prosperity he new that everyone must depend on taste so he go for sugar and salt production now he is called the richest business man in Africa. That is the wisdom that God almighty wants his children to acquire that is why he gave us the word of God that is the Bible because time will come when all men will hunger, tasty and wanting to hear this word. WELL I KNOW THIS WORD HAS EVEN YOU AN INSIGHT PLS BUY WISDOM AND SELL IT NOT. GOD BLESS YOU ALL

IS THERE NO BALM IN GILEAD JEREMIAH 30:17. The name of Jesus carries the irrebukable power of God. WHAT IS IN THE NAME OF JESUS? (1). There is redeemption in the name of Jesus Psalm 34:19-22. WHAT THEN IS REDEEMPTION? The word redeemption could be describe as the act of making something better or more acceptable. It also means the act of indebating someone for money. Christianity defines it as the act of saving people from sin and evil. WHAT IS EVIL? Evil simply means something that is morally bad. Something that causes harm or injury to somebody. E.g. Accident is evil 1cor 6:18-20. Matth1:21, Romans 8:1-2. (2). Our prayers are answered in the name of Jesus. John14:20, John16:23. Quote. Prayer changes people, people in turn changes things